Unable to initialize Computer, and it can't be used at this time...

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After upgrading Notes Client on Linux to 8.5.3 (it is in fact related to update of embedded sametime to 8.5.1) I started to get an error message “Unable to initialize Computer, and it can’t be used at this time. Processed unsuccessful response: null for: REGISTER…” and then there were some details about the connection. Quick Goggle search helped: How to suppress SIP registration failures in the Sametime 8.5x client

Another variant of this error is on the picture. Both errors stopped appearing after adding the com.ibm.collaboration.realtime.telephony.softphone/suppress.failed.sip.registration=true line to /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/framework/rcp/plugin_customization.ini file.

It should work on Windows too, but I don’t know if this error happens there as well. Let me know if it does and whether this “fix” works there.