Csaba Kiss has published blogpost http://xpagexplorer.org/domino-rest-performance-analysis/ about his findings regarding performance of various REST technologies available on Domino now.
Just a couple of remarks:
use case for reading 10000 documents at once is probably very far from most real world scenarios some may argue ReadViewEntries method is not REST service per se. And it is a core function deep in the HTTP server, probably developed in C. That’s something we can’t beat I guess SmartNSF doesn’t (yet?
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You may have noticed that there is new project available on OpenNTF.org site. It is called SmartNSF (https://openntf.org/main.nsf/project.xsp?r=project/SmartNSF/summary) and it aims to help developers build REST services on top of the Domino databases. Unlike other approaches I am aware of, this project adds Designer integration and smart definition of routes, data retrieval strategies and returned values in one place. And this definition is made using Groovy syntax. How cool is that?
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Java 8 is coming to Domino/Notes.
First just runtime environment for server and client in FP8 and later this year hopefully to Designer as well.
That will be huge improvement for developers, because it means - apart from Java 8 new features - we’ll get newer Eclipse, newer OSGi etc. Yay!
At the same time I feel like admins are not going to be that happy. Change of Java runtime from 6 to 8 should - in theory - be safe.
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I am very very happy that my friend and real yellowbleeder Jan Krejcárek has been named IBM Champion in ICS for 2017. He is the third one from Czech Republic (in ICS) and it is a well deserved achievement.
I do not have any real statistics (apart from those I am just making up), but I think we might be the best in “champion per capita” ratio. There might be some smaller country though, I really should check it before writing it in the blogpost.
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Na úvod je asi vhodné uvést, že s organizováním a přednášením na konferencích nějaké zkušenosti mám a ačkoliv se v následujících řádcích někde vyjadřuji kriticky, tak celkově byl GeeCON výborně zvládnutý a přes hodně slušnou návštěvnost jsem nikde nezaznamenal výraznější problémy.
Konečně se mi zadařilo mít čas zajít na GeeCON. A navíc díky Romanu Pichlíkovi z CZ Podcastu jsem měl volný vstup, takže dokonalá win-win situace. O to více, že jsem se na organizaci nepodílel ani nepřednášel, což pobyt na konferenci výrazně ulehčuje.
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SUTOL (Czech Lotus User Group) has published agenda for its annual event in Prague. I think the lineup of speakers is great - with one exception :) - and conference will be full of interesting information and cool technologies.
After successful last year’s event we are doing it again in English, day and a half instead of one day, with three tracks instead of two.
You can find additional info about the event on SUTOL website.
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IBM has officially announced that it will support IBM Domino/Notes 9.0.1 until September 2021.
Although the announcement does not specifically say so, IBM was communicating it as AT LEAST until 2021. Which is good news, regardless if your plan is to migrate off the platform or to stay there.
FixPack 7 for 9.0.1 is now in Stage 4: Gold Build and list of fixes now has 81 entries (well those two regarding Java 6 are technically the same change, so 80).
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According to these two documents in fix list database 9.0.1 FP7 is not bringing Java 8:
SPR # KLYHAC4JS8 fixed in 9.0.1 FP7 release SPR # KLYHA9KMNR fixed in 9.0.1 FP7 release EDIT: According to Peter Presnell Java 8 support comes in FP7 and FP8.
A lot of things happened since Monday morning. It turned out I was not at all alone in thinking this. So there are some other posts on the subject, much better than my rant. And most importantly you can find Ed Brill’s comment under Darren’s post.
(I tried to sort them chronologically, not 100 % sure I did it right, though)
Oliver Busse Paul Withers Darren Duke Volker Weber - reacting to Ed’s comment, read the comments here as well Heiko Voigt So we now know IBM will support Domino/Notes until 2021.
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TL;DR: My suggestion for every Domino/Notes developer is to run away!
First time I was planning to “abandon” Domino as my primary application platform around 2002, when I decided to switch to Java. A decision that has proven to be very wise during last 14 years. First of all learning how things are done elsewhere helped me to get better at developing programs in general. And it helped me to recognize what were weak points of Domino/Notes platform, what were its strong ones and when to use it and when don’t.
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